Dr Susan (Sue) Boyd AM

B.A. Dip. Ed. D.Litt FAICD FAIIA

Sue Boyd is a retired Australian diplomat, with 34 years in the Australian Foreign Service behind her (1970–2003). She was Head of Diplomatic Missions in Bangladesh, Vietnam, Hong Kong and Fiji and also served at the UN in New York, Portugal and East Berlin.


Returning to WA in 2003, Sue started her second career as a non-executive company director in Gold Corporation, Volunteering WA, St Catherines College and RRRT – the South Pacific Human Rights Organisation. She was a founding independent director of Gelganyem and Kilkayi Trusts in the East Kimberley. She has been an Executive Business Coach with Foresight Global Coaching since 2004.  A long term member of the Australian Institute of International Affairs, serving as  President of AIIA WA from 2004 to 2013. She continues on the AIIA Board. She is currently on the Council of St Catherines College and was a founding member of the Advisory Committee for the Cruthers Collection of Womens’ Art at UWA. Sue loves theatre, opera and music and was once a good golfer.


Sue entered the University of Western Australia in 1966, immediately on arrival as a migrant from the UK and lived at St Catherines College for her four years at Uni. She was Miss Judo in the Miss University Quest in 1966. Elected to Guild Council in 1968, she became Guild President for 1969–the first woman to win the position and the first Guild President to serve on the University Senate. Sue again served on Senate from 2004–2013.


Sue’s father, Victor Robert Hugo Boyd was an artillery officer in the British Army. Serving in India during WWII he met and married Frances Mary (Peggy) Cooper. Sue was born in Calcutta in 1946.  The family was posted to Germany, Northern Ireland, Egypt, Cyprus and The United Kingdom and Sue attended a total of 13 schools. Her last secondary schools were in Sudbury and Bristol in the UK. On leaving school in 1964 she went as a volunteer teacher in Northern Rhodesia/Zambia 1964–65.


The family migrated to Perth, Western Australia in February 1966  as ‘ten pound Poms’ and Sue started almost immediately at the University of Western Australia, living at St Catherines College for her four years of study.  While studying she worked part-time as a journalist on the Daily News. Student conferences introduced her to Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Adelaide.


Sue has just published her memoir, ‘Not Always Diplomatic’ which covers her time at UWA, her career with DFAT and her ‘afterlife’, since 2003.



  • Primary and Secondary Education in 13 different schools in five different countries 

  • BA Dip Ed (University of Western Australia) 1968 and 69

Honours and recognition

  • Honorary Doctorate of Letter, UWA, 2002

  • Inductee, Western Australian Women's Hall of Fame, 2015

  • Room dedication, 'Sue Boyd Room', Guild Refectory, University of Western Australia

  • Room dedication, ‘Susan Boyd AM’, Australian Embassy, Hanoi, Vietnam conference room dedication, as the first woman Australian Ambassador to Vietnam 1994-98, 2022

  • Member of the Order of Australia (AM), For services to international affairs, tertiary education and womens affairs, 2022

Australian Institute of International Affairs

  • Board Member, 2004–2012

  • Fellow, 2016

Australian Institute of International Affairs (Western Australia)

  • President, 2004–2012

  • Committee Member, current

  • Chair, Program Committee

University of Western Australia

  • Senator, University Senate, 2006–2018

  • Supporter, Perth USAsia Centre

  • Member, Advisory Committee, Cruther's Collection of Women's Art, Governing Board Member, St Catherines College, Honorary Fellow, St Catherines College

  • Chair, Centenary Planning Committee, 2000–2013

  • Former Chair, External Environment Committee

  • Honorary Doctorate of Letters, 2002

  • President, Student Guild, 1969

Academia - Other

  • Member, International Advisory Board, Tri Viet University, Vietnam, 2008–2010

  • Adjunct Professor, Centre for International Health, Curtin University, 2004–2010

Committee and Advisory Roles

  • Member, Chief Executive Women in Australia, current

  • Board Member, Volunteering WA, 2011-2016

  • Advisory Board Member, South Pacific Community Regional Rights Resource Team, 2004–2010

  • International Advisor, United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM Australia), 2003–2012

  • Foundation Steering Committee Member, Forum for Independent Directors and Officers of Indigenous
    Organisations, 2011–2013

  • Founding Independent Trustee, Argyle Diamond Mine Trusts (Gelganyem and Kilkayi Trusts), 2004–2009

  • Former Australia's Permanent Representative, South Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat

  • Non-Executive Director, Gold Corporation, 3 years

  • Former Chair, Hong Kong Selection Panel, New Colombo Plan Scholarships

Foresight Global Coaching Partnership

  • Chair, Western Australian Branch, current

  • Executive Business Coach, since 2004

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

  • Australian High Commissioner to Fiji, Tuvalu and Nauru, 1999–2003

  • Australian Consul General to Hong Kong, 1998–1999

  • Australian Ambassador to Vietnam, 1994–1997

  • Regional Director, Sydney Office, 1991–1993

  • Australian High Commissioner to Bangladesh, 1986–1989

  • Diplomatic postings at the United Nations, New York, 1984–1986; East Berlin, 1976–1979; and Lisbon, 1971–1974


  • Not Always Diplomatic: An Australian Woman's Journey through International Affairs, UWA Press, 2020

  • Contributor to “Women with a Mission”, 2007,   published by The Department of Foreign Affairs