An Australian Woman’s Journey through International Affairs

Thank you for visiting my website. I am Sue Boyd, the author of ‘Not Always Diplomatic’ (UWA Publishing September 2020).
This website provides insights into the book, reviews, recordings of webinars relating to the book, bio notes and photographs. We are also including some earlier material.
Book clubs have found this great material – interesting and not too expensive. I love talking about my career and the book, providing insights into what diplomacy is about and what diplomats actually do, how embassies work and about working internationally.
And how we changed the culture of the Department of Foreign Affairs – originally a very blokey preserve – into an inclusive work environment.
There’s a lot of humour in the telling. And some great stories. The book is interesting for students of international relations, of foreign policy. And in general, my story of my life and career. Born in Calcutta, India, and now back in Australia, with lots of different international adventures in between. And how it has been as a single career woman in a man’s world.
If you would like me to address your group, please let me know. I have done several face-to-face meetings as well as webinars, for audiences away from my home town of Perth, Western Australia.
I hope you enjoy reading my book and purchase a copy.